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Date Of Birth: 9 June 1992

City: Langa, Cape Town

Languages: English and IsiXhosa

Hobbies: Cooking and Reading

What makes you a good caregiver and childminder?

“I’m a good caregiver because I’m patient, caring, and reliable. I make sure kids are safe and happy, and I use praise to encourage them. My creativity helps me connect with them and support their growth.”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a caregiver and childminder?

”My experience is in Frail care, Dementia care, Disability care, and Post-Operative care. Clients that require care in PEG tube feeding, basic wound care monitoring, pressure care, chronic-illness care, stroke care, passive exercise, and mobility assistance, catheter care assistance, oxygen machine therapy care and basic vital signs monitoring and also Childcare”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors and children?

“I’m excited about working with seniors and children because I love making a positive impact on their lives. With children, it’s rewarding to support their growth and learning. With seniors, I enjoy offering companionship and learning from their experiences. Both bring unique joys and challenges that make the work fulfilling.”

What values are most important to you?

“The most important value to me is integrity. They guide how I connect with others, honor their needs, and act honestly.”