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Types of home care services offered by CareChamp.

CareChamp provides a full range of home care services that are carried out by qualified, highly trained caregivers in South Africa, supported by registered nurses available to assist in the care of clients.

The core reason for offering these services for home care is that CareChamp understands that staying in their own home is as positive a choice any elder or disabled person can make.

Being surrounded by familiar things and a sense of security can have an enormously positive effect on anyone struggling to cope with what were once easy tasks.

Elderly frail care makes all the difference to the quality of life for aging people, as does disability care, but it takes well trained professionals with experience and compassion to make a difference.

Every client will need a care plan tailored to meet their requirements, which is exactly what CareChamp does in order to offer the best in home care.

Assistance with daily living is carried out by caregivers, while medical services are managed by registered nurses.

CareChamp will also put you in contact with physiotherapists who make home calls, creating a holistic solution for the elderly.

Types of home based care services offered by CareChamp:

Caregivers in South Africa:

A caregiver can make all the difference to the life of someone struggling to cope with ordinary, everyday activities, such as bathing, dressing, eating and exercising.

Personal care is often neglected when it becomes too difficult for an elderly frail or disabled person to cope with, which only serves to impact self-esteem negatively.

Any aging person wants to retain as much dignity as possible under challenging circumstances, physically and mentally. This is why CareChamp takes great care in selecting only compassionate and patient caregivers to care for their clients.

A CareChamp caregiver is also able to assist with meal preparation, light household chores and shopping or going to doctor’s appointments.

Companion Services:

When it’s no longer possible to get around, it’s important for elderly people to have stimulating, caring company.  Once driving is out, meeting up with old friends is going to end, but with a CareChamp companion on hand, having tea or visiting the hair dresser weekly becomes easy.

A companion has chosen to give of their time voluntarily, which means that they’re fully committed to making a difference in the lives of others. 

Their role is to add value to the lives of elder or disabled people, encouraging healthy activities, lending an ear and encouraging intellectual conversation that stimulates the mind.

Registered nurses South Africa:

If a client needs assistance with injections, wound care, monitoring of vital signs, catheter care or more, CareChamp has registered nurses who will do home visits to carry out these responsibilities.

CareChamp registered nurses are also very involved in the creation of care plans based on individual needs of clients, making sure that the smallest of details will be taken care of without a hitch.

If you’re looking for professional, affordable home care in South Africa then please call the team at CareChamp for a tailored care plan that makes all the difference to the quality of life for the elderly.