Give your loved one suffering from Dementia an invaluable level of home care with the CareChamp team.


CareChamp home care nursing services include professional, compassionate and caring assistance for loved ones suffering from dementia, recognising that one of the most important factors in caring for a client suffering from dementia is the ability to remain part of your family in the familiarity and safety of a the home environment.

The team of highly skilled professionals at CareChamp have had much experience in working with older clients suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia ranging from a mild to severe impairment, with a commitment to ensuring that your loved one will be able to age in peace with the assistance of a skilled and compassionate caregiver in your own home.

If you have decided that you would like a CareChamp home care assistant to make life more comfortable for your loved one, you and your family, the CareChamp management team will take your care requirements into consideration in order to plan a care program to suit your needs perfectly.  You will also be sent the profile of five Champs in order to choose the one most suited to your loved one and your family, after all, it takes careful consideration when choosing a caregiver to become part of your loved one’s daily life in your home.

With dementia patients it is very important to form a long-term relationship with a caregiver who has the compassion to understand and deal with all the little things that become so important in the daily life of someone who is struggling with the powerlessnessthat accompanies Alzheimer’s and dementia.

With the care and dedication that the CareChamp management team has put into providing an outstanding level of home care services in South Africa and systems put in place to ensure weekly care reports along with a transparent, flexible and affordable system, you can rest assured that your loved ones will be cared for by a truly exceptional team.