
Questions to Ask Your Loved One About Late Stage Care

Questions to Ask Your Loved One About Late Stage Care

We all hope for a peaceful end to a life well-lived. Although it may be a difficult topic to raise, respecting your loved one’s wishes at the end of life is one of the greatest gifts you can offer them. Although it may be uncomfortable, it’s best to raise the topic sooner rather than later to ensure that your mom, dad or partner has the presence of mind to give you the information you need to make them comfortable as they near the end.

Tips on Building a Daily Routine for Family Caregivers

Tips on Building a Daily Routine for Family Caregivers

When you become an in-home caregiver for your elderly loved one, the list of responsibilities can feel overwhelming and long. Creating daily rhythms can offer stability to your parent that will keep them healthy and vibrant for longer. A methodical approach works best. Here are our five of our top tips on how to develop a routine that best suits your loved one’s needs.

Family Caregiving: A Case for Taking a Break

Family Caregiving: A Case for Taking a Break

With life expectancy increasing and innovations in home healthcare technology, most of us will fulfil the role of family caregiver at some point in our lives. On the one hand, caregiving is a rewarding job. On the other, it’s demanding and no one is equipped to do it alone. Which begs the question, who is caring for the caregiver?

CareChamp Investigates: Women and Family Caregiving

The world over, women are the primary providers of informal, unpaid care for family members, including the elderly and adults with chronic medical conditions, physical disabilities, and mental illnesses. We have a vested interest in gender and caregiving. Add to that it being Women’s Month, and that’s why we were drawn to finding out everything we could about gender differences in caregiving. Our findings may surprise you!

MoCA test - The Most Sensitive Cognitive Screening Tool

The MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, test the most sensitive cognitive screening tool to diagnose several diseases and conditions. One of our company goals is to build a fantastic holistic offering and understanding of needs. Other than providing our clients with Caregivers and Companions, we want to contribute to healthy and happy lifestyle of seniors in South Africa.

Introduction of the MOCA test to track your relative's Dementia status and progression

When a patient starts to experience memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline, it can be a stressful, uncertain, and trying time for everyone involved. The MoCA is a brief 30-question test that takes around 10 to 12 minutes to complete and helps assess people for cognitive impairment.