Our Postoperative Home Care Services

It can be stressful when you or your loved one are/is admitted to the hospital. That said, we’re at our most vulnerable at home after we’ve been in a medical setting. That’s why planning ahead—for when you or your loved one return/s home from the hospital—is such a crucial step. In fact, research shows that the right postoperative or hospital-to-home care can reduce the chances of complications and do wonders for supporting your recovery process.

We provide assistance with

  • The process of hospital discharge,

  • Transport to and from the hospital for appointments and check-ups, and

  • Practical care aspects, affording the patient quality time while recuperating. These aspects include meal preparation & household chores.

  • Helping with more personal issues like bathing & dressing.

  • Assisting with prescribed physical exercises

  • Specialised nursing procedures,* such as wound care, catheter care, colostomy bag maintenance, nasogastric tube insertion and feeding, and Oxygen therapy and more.

*Performed by our registered nurses




See our rates for transparent pricing information.