Andiswa T

Date Of Birth: 03 August 1983

City: Port Elizabeth

Languages: English, Xhosa

Hobbies: Listening to music and Singing

What makes you a good caregiver?

I believe my effectiveness as a caregiver stems from my genuine compassion and nurturing nature. I genuinely enjoy caregiving and have accumulated valuable experience since starting in 2010, where I've cared for diverse patients facing various health challenges. This experience has enriched my understanding and skills in providing compassionate care.”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a caregiver?
“I feel most qualified to provide care for seniors and I have experience in providing the following care: dementia care, physical disability care, mental disability care, palliative care, assessing basic vital signs, care of paraplegic and/or tetraplegic patients, catheter care, pressure care, wound monitoring, PEG insertion and feeding.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“ What excites me most about working with seniors is hearing their stories from long ago. I enjoy their company and cherish the conversations we have. Whether it's singing together, reading stories to lift their spirits when they're feeling down, or simply sharing moments of joy, connecting with seniors in this way brings me a lot of fulfillment..”

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?

“One thing you might not know from my resume is that I'm naturally talkative and loving. I enjoy creating a joyful and peaceful atmosphere wherever I go, ensuring that people around me are laughing and feeling happy.”

View my resume here