
Date of Birth: 20 July 1973

City: Casa Mia, Pretoria

Languages: Zulu & English

Hobbies: Family time

What makes you a good companion?

l am very patient with the elderly. I have the ability to remain calm, think clearly and provide the best care possible under demanding circumstances. I have the ability to show friendliness towards clients without overstepping boundaries.

Your best day at work you’ve ever had and what made it so good.

I assisted a client with dementia and she had a bad day and started taking ironed clothes out of the closet and started throwing them everywhere. I realized that the she was tired of being idle and wanted something to keep her busy. I suggested taking a walk through the garden and her mood changed immediately. She was so happy to go out and get some fresh air and see the blooming flowers. I found pleasure in putting a smile on my her face.

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a companion?

Commitment to being present and providing quality care, and being empathetic towards them, just the opportunity to show kindness and respect and celebrating their differences.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“It's fun. I enjoy the stories, experiences and humor of the Seniors l care for. I enjoy making a difference in their lives. It's a great accomplishment and feels highly rewarding, knowing that you have turned what could have been a really difficult day into a great one, full of laughter and fun activities. Working with the elderly gives me a valuable insight into the aging process, and what's to come, giving me an opportunity to think about what matters most to me in life and how l will look after them and myself.”

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?

l once took a Managerial role in a Training Company for learners with special needs ( intellectually challenged, bi-polar, physically challenged and short sighted) and l managed to see all learners progress in their different areas of learning.”