
Date of Birth: 05 January 1976

City: Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Baking

What makes you a good companion?

“Being a people person, I love meeting new friends, listening, and communicating whether you are young or old.”

Your best day at work you’ve ever had and what made it so good.

“Oh, I had plenty, a good day for me was when issues arose and I could sort it out quickly without any complications, most days are good.”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a companion?

“I'm an energetic and honest person, helping those in need, listening and caring for them is really fulfilling”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“I believe I was born to serve and I would be honored to make life a little easier for someone else”

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?

“When i do get the time, I love cooking and taking some time to be creative.”