
Date of Birth: 2 March 1970

City: Castleview, Johannesburg

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Singing and Playing the Piano


What makes you a good companion?
”Being compassionate, unselfish, and giving makes me a worthy companion. I am a caring person who can easily connect with anyone. With practical decision-making skills, I'm well-presented, punctual, and reliable”

Share with me a time when you displayed [one of our company’s values].Capable, honest, attentive, Mindful & Pioneering?
In my daily life, I always strive to embody these values.”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified as a companion?
Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
Decision making Driving Catering/cooking
Supporting- emotional & physical”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?
Growing up I loved old people. As the grandchild who spent the most time with the grandparents, I still enjoy their stories and wisdom.”

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?
I am quite creative with crafting skills, mosaic, decoupage”

Fun Fact?
I love singing and playing the piano”