
Date Of Birth: June 26, 1984

City: Milnerton, Cape own

Languages: English and French

Hobbies: Swimming, Soccer and Reading

What makes you a good caregiver?

“What makes me a good caregiver is my patience and commitment to giving great care that meets each client's needs. I make sure they are safe and provide the specialized care they require. It's also important to show them kindness and get to know them better. ”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a caregiver?

“I worked with all kinds of patients in the hospital, which exposed me to many different types of care. My main focus was to adapt my approach to best support each patient I was helping at the time.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

‘‘Offering them love, ensuring a safe environment, and listening to their stories are essential. Being present daily to meet their needs and keep them happy is also a priority. My granny is still alive and seeing her when I return home makes me happy

What values are most important to you?

“The values most significant to me are Honesty and Communication.”