
Date of Birth: 29 March 1969

City: Sonneglans, Johannesburg

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Painting

What makes you a good companion?

My motto in life has always been, "Kindness is being someone who makes everyone feel like somebody". I don’t care where you come from or what your story is but I will always treat you with kindness, respect, and love. Its taken me many years to get to this point where I feel I have found my calling in life, I want to continue helping people, and I know I have what it takes.

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a companion?

“I know I can make a difference in their lives. I have learned so much from the incredible Hospice staff that came to check up on my mom when she was ill. I want to put what I learned to good use. I want to grow as a person. I want to make a difference.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“I feel in my heart that my calling in life is to assist the elderly. I have always had so much patience and love for them, I assist my hubby with his elderly patience and go and collect them from the retirement homes, I assist them with their hearing aids, etc. I have a close bond with all our patience.”

Your best day at work you've ever had and what made it so good?

I have had many good days, just being able to bring a smile to someone's face by showing them kindness brings me so much joy. “

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we don’t know from your resume?

“I am involved with a charity for children, I bake for the children and assist where I can. To see those little faces light up, and knowing I made a small difference in their day makes me happy..”