
Date Of Birth: August 20, 2004

City: Atlantis, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Outdoor adventures and modeling

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"From a young age, my dream has always been to work with children. I've been drawn to their innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy. As I've grown, this passion has only intensified, fueled by personal experiences and a sense of fulfillment whenever I interact with young minds.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

“In my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in the early childhood development field involve serving as a positive role model and empowering children to make their own decisions. It's essential to motivate them and build trust through nurturing relationships.”

What makes you excited to work with children?

“What excites me about working with children is their infectious joy and ability to bring a smile to your face effortlessly.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”