Class of May 2024


Date Of Birth: October 09, 1990

City: Phillipi, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Reading and sports

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I chose this career because I have a deep love for children. Their curiosity, energy, and potential inspire me, and I’m passionate about being part of their growth and development in those early years."

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”"The typical role of a childcare provider in early childhood development is to support and enhance children's growth while guiding them through the learning process."

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me most about working with children is watching them grow and gaining the ability to do things independently."

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”

Sihle M

Date Of Birth: February 12, 1995

City: Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Playing games & reading

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"My passion for working with children began early on when I was responsible for looking after little children. It was during those times that I truly fell in love with the idea of nurturing and supporting young minds. This experience inspired me to pursue a career in ECD, with the dream of one day opening my own ECD center."

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”In my perspective, the role of a childcare provider in early childhood development involves nurturing children's growth, improving their skills, and guiding them to develop in a positive way. It's also about helping them learn how to socialise effectively with others, as they age."

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I'm excited to work with children because I love socialising and connecting with them. There's nothing like seeing their smiles and hearing their adorable laughter - it’s truly heartwarming."

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: April 07, 2004

City: Atlantis, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Netball & dancing

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I decided to pursue a career in ECD because I believe that every child deserves the foundation for a bright and promising future. I'm passionate about helping children develop the skills, confidence, and curiosity they need to thrive.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role of a childcare provider in ECD is to motivate children and empower them to make their own decisions. This involves supporting their independence, encouraging their curiosity, and guiding them through their learning experiences in a supportive and nurturing environment."

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me about working with children is their endless imagination. Their creativity and ability to see the world in a unique way inspires me and makes every day a new adventure.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: June 25, 2004

City: Parklands, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Reading & cooking

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I chose to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development because I have a deep passion for working with children. The opportunity to help shape the minds of the next generation excites me. An ECD educator’s mission is to create a safe and nurturing environment—a home away from home—where children can explore, grow, and expand their understanding of the world, a mission I’m excited to fulfil.“

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”The role of a childcare provider in ECD involves nurturing children's creativity and curiosity while guiding them in their exploration of the world around them. We provide the foundational building blocks for their development, ensuring that each child feels supported and valued. It's also essential that we foster an inclusive environment that promotes equality and embraces the diverse needs and backgrounds of all children.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me most about working with children is the opportunity to educate the next generation and provide them with a safe environment to grow. Children need a space where they can learn and occasionally stumble. I am happy to support them on their journey and be a part of their development."

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: November 08, 1996

City: Retreat, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Arts & crafts projects and dancing

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I'm passionate about shaping young minds and making a positive impact on children's lives. I believe that early childhood is a critical stage where children learn and grow rapidly, and I want to be a part of that journey. I've always been drawn to working with children, and my experiences I’ve had in the past have only strengthened my desire to pursue a career in this field.“

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”I believe a childcare provider plays a flexible role, like creating a safe and engaging environment that stimulates exploration and learning for a child, developing relevant activities and also supporting children's physical, emotional, and cognitive development.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”Seeing the light bulb moment when a child grasps a new skill or topic is truly rewarding! I love witnessing their curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: October 09, 1995

City: Gugulethu, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Aerobics and youth development

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I love working with children because I want to make a positive impact on their lives by recognizing the significance of early childhood experiences in shaping future outcomes. Supporting families and communities in nurturing young children is a passion of mine, and I find joy in watching children learn, grow, and thrive.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role of a childcare provider in early childhood development involves creating a safe, nurturing environment that promotes both physical and emotional well-being. This includes organising age-appropriate activities to support physical development and maintaining high standards of health and hygiene.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What makes me excited to work with children is the opportunity to apply my skills as a certified professional and to experience the fulfilling role of being called teacher.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”

Sinazo S

Date Of Birth: July 15, 2000

City: Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Outdoor activities and cooking

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a compassionate and dedicated individual with a passion for helping young children grow and thrive. I'm excited to pursue a career in early childhood development because I want to make a positive difference in the lives of children and their families.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment that promotes children's physical, emotional, and cognitive development. This includes building strong relationships with children, families, and colleagues to support care and education.

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I'm excited about the opportunity to be a role model and help shape children's values and beliefs. Working with children keeps me energised, inspired, and constantly reminded of the importance of play, creativity, and imagination in our lives.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: July 20, 1998

City: Athlone, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Cooking and swimming

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a quiet individual who enjoys spending quality time with my family and exploring new interests. My passion for learning and personal growth has inspired me to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve supporting and nurturing the overall development of children. This includes creating a safe and stimulating environment, assisting with social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth, and providing attention and care.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I am most excited to work with children because I have the opportunity to teach them in fun and creative ways. It's really satisfying to see the curiosity and enthusiasm on their faces when they are learning new things.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: February 25, 2004

City: Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Reading and drawing

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I have a deep passion for working with children and families, driven by my passion to make a positive impact on young lives. My interest in child development and learning motivates me to pursue a career in ECD. I am dedicated to creating nurturing and supportive environments where children can thrive.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”In my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider includes a commitment to continuous learning and exploration. This involves structured routines that include all aspects of development. I believe in being open to new ideas and perspectives, which enriches my approach to nurturing and educating young children.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me about working with children is the joy and fulfillment it offers. I find pleasure in witnessing their growth and celebrating their achievements, building meaningful relationships, and fostering creativity through play. Being surrounded by their contagious energy, enthusiasm, and laughter creates an atmosphere that uplifts everyone.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: December 21, 1995

City: Samora Machel, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Singing and travelling

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a very loving, calm, and caring person. I chose to pursue this career path because I have a deep love for children and a strong passion for understanding and nurturing them from a young age.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in early childhood development include creating a safe environment for children, providing basic care, offering emotional support, and fostering social development. Childcare providers play an important role, especially for children who may come from challenging environments where these essential elements may be lacking.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me is the opportunity to understand and learn a lot about children while they are young. Providing a safe environment, facilitating social development through learning activities, and above all, caring for and loving them, are particularly fulfilling aspects of this role for me.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”

Zubenathi N

Date Of Birth: March 03, 1998

City: Langa, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Blogging and sports

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a hardworking and driven individual who embraces challenges. I enjoy getting to know each child as a unique individual, discovering what motivates them, and using this understanding to help them grow, improve their strengths, and build their confidence and competence. Being a primary part of their development is incredibly rewarding to me.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my point of view, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider include providing physical care for children and responding to their emotional needs. This involves maintaining trust, nurturing relationships, guiding positive interactions, and ensuring the dignity and rights of each child are upheld.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me about working with children is the meaningful impact I can have on their lives. I love that I can support parents by caring for their children while they work or study, and at the same time, I can nurture the children and provide them with enriching learning experiences.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: February 23, 1998

City: Delft, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Listening to music and reading

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a patient and kind person, excited to be joining the ECD industry. I decided to pursue Early Childhood Development because I have a deep love for children. I would love to work with them every day, share my affection, and help prepare them for their early years and school.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibility of a childcare provider in the ECD field primarily involve organising a consistent daily routine for children. This includes ensuring adequate meal times, nap times, play times, and educational activities. Furthermore, it is a childcare provider’s responsibility to provide a safe and secure space where children feel loved.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me most about working with children is that I can be as playful and energetic as they are. It allows me to be myself while providing love and care for them.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”

Anelisa L

Date Of Birth: March 04, 1996

City: Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Cooking and dancing

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am an open, passionate, and honest person who values integrity and fairness in everything I do. I chose to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development because I believe in making a positive impact on children's lives and helping them build a strong foundation for their future.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my point of view, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in the early childhood development field include supporting children’s development by providing activities that enhance their understanding of the world and help them learn new skills. It involves providing a safe space for the learning and development to occur, while always remaining patient.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I find great joy in spending time with children and appreciate how much I learn from them, especially through the questions they ask out of curiosity.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”

Abigail VW

Date Of Birth: December 05, 1993

City: Grassy Park, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Family time and outdoor adventures

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I have a passion for working with young children and find it truly rewarding to see them light up as they learn new skills. I chose to pursue a career in ECD because I want to make a meaningful impact on the lives of future generations. Helping children grow, learn, and develop a strong foundation for their future is a mission that I am deeply committed to.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

“From my point of view, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider include caring for children's physical, emotional, and educational needs. This involves ensuring their safety and well-being, nurturing their emotional growth, and teaching them new skills to support their development. Additionally, childcare providers create a stimulating environment where children can explore, learn, and thrive.”

What makes you excited to work with children?

“What excites me most about working with children is their intelligence and wild imaginations. I love how their curiosity drives them to ask questions and explore the world around them. They are always enthusiastic and creative, making every day unique and fulfilling.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: May 09, 1993

City: Hanover Park, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Reading and writing

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a young, energetic woman full of life and determined to make my dreams come true. As a mother, wife, and tutor, I have always had a love for children. My decision to pursue a career in ECD stems from this passion. I wish to be a part of children’s growth, both educationally and emotionally.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”In my opinion, the roles and responsibilities of an ECD teacher include providing a safe space where children can freely express themselves. Planning lessons that are engaging, understandable, and adaptable for children is essential to ensure that the concepts stick with them.“

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me about working with kids is their creative minds. They will learn from me, and I will learn from them. I am thrilled by the opportunity to watch them develop into the people they are meant to become.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: April 07, 1999

City: Mitchells Plain, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Sports and getting creative

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a hardworking, caring, and compassionate person who prioritises the needs of others above my own. I have always had the dream of becoming a teacher, with a strong desire to help children, even beyond the aspect of education. My goal is to provide care and support to children who may not receive as much from their own parents.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

“In my point of view, the childcare provider should serve as a safe space for the students, offering care, support, and guidance while also delivering appropriate education.”

What makes you excited to work with children?

“I am passionate about creativity and don't mind getting messy, so what excites me the most is the opportunity to learn through play, something that is essential for children.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: August 20, 2004

City: Atlantis, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Outdoor adventures and modeling

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"From a young age, my dream has always been to work with children. I've been drawn to their innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy. As I've grown, this passion has only intensified, fueled by personal experiences and a sense of fulfillment whenever I interact with young minds.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

“In my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in the early childhood development field involve serving as a positive role model and empowering children to make their own decisions. It's essential to motivate them and build trust through nurturing relationships.”

What makes you excited to work with children?

“What excites me about working with children is their infectious joy and ability to bring a smile to your face effortlessly.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: January 25, 1998

City: Mitchells Plain, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Painting and spending time with family

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a kind, caring, loving and family-oriented person. I chose to pursue Early Childhood Development because my love and passion for babies, toddlers, children, and youth in general is unconditional. Personal experiences with children and babies have motivated and inspired me to turn this passion into a career. Additionally, I come from a big family which means that I’ve been exposed to many children which further influenced my decision to join this field.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

“From my perspective, a childcare provider’s roles and responsibilities include planning, implementing, and supervising structured educational activities for groups. They are responsible for organising and supervising mealtimes and snacks, ensuring nutritious food selections. Additionally, childcare providers must plan and supervise balanced routines, incorporating physical activities, rest, and playtime.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”What excites me the most is the opportunity to make a positive difference in a child's life. I have a genuine love for working with kids, and I feel I am at my best when I am around young people and children.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: June 12, 1999

City: Hanover Park, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Outdoor adventures and reading

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"Personally, I consider myself friendly, outspoken, and caring. I thrive on challenges and always strive to excel in whatever I undertake. Working with children has been a long-standing passion of mine. During my free time, I enjoy assisting children with their homework and engaging in play with them. Witnessing children flourish in life through kindness and love has always resonated deeply with me, and pursuing this career goal brings me closer to realising that dream.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?

In my view, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve caring for children, ensuring they are fed, and nurturing them. However, the most crucial aspect to me is providing love and care. Children need to feel warmth and affection in order to thrive. Ensuring their tummies are full is vital, as it contributes to their overall well-being and can make a significant difference in their day.“

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I am most excited to work with children for the love children give in return, their appreciation, and the joy of seeing them smile and laugh bring me immense happiness. Witnessing their success in life, from learning something new to achieving milestones, is truly rewarding. Children have always held a special place in my heart, and I've experienced firsthand how they can turn a bad morning into the best day ever with their sweet gestures.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”


Date Of Birth: October 30, 1996

City: Ravensmead, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Dancing and family time

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I chose to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development because of the situation I've observed in my community. Many children miss out on early learning opportunities due to financial constraints faced by their parents or caregivers. Working with children has always been my dream, and I am passionate about making a difference in their lives.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”In my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider include offering support and educational guidance to children. It's essential to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can freely express themselves, especially if they lack that opportunity at home.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I'm thrilled to work with children because their joy and happiness are contagious. Their natural positivity inspires others to adopt a similar outlook. Making a significant impact on their lives is a personal goal of mine, and I eagerly strive towards achieving it.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”