
Date Of Birth: July 20, 1998

City: Athlone, Cape Town

Languages: English & Afrikaans

Hobbies: Cooking and swimming

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a quiet individual who enjoys spending quality time with my family and exploring new interests. My passion for learning and personal growth has inspired me to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve supporting and nurturing the overall development of children. This includes creating a safe and stimulating environment, assisting with social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth, and providing attention and care.”

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I am most excited to work with children because I have the opportunity to teach them in fun and creative ways. It's really satisfying to see the curiosity and enthusiasm on their faces when they are learning new things.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”