Sinazo S

Date Of Birth: July 15, 2000

City: Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Languages: English & Xhosa

Hobbies: Outdoor activities and cooking

Tell us more about yourself and why you have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Development:

"I am a compassionate and dedicated individual with a passion for helping young children grow and thrive. I'm excited to pursue a career in early childhood development because I want to make a positive difference in the lives of children and their families.”

What is - from your point of view - the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider in an early childhood development field?
”From my perspective, the typical role and responsibilities of a childcare provider involve creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment that promotes children's physical, emotional, and cognitive development. This includes building strong relationships with children, families, and colleagues to support care and education.

What makes you excited to work with children?
”I'm excited about the opportunity to be a role model and help shape children's values and beliefs. Working with children keeps me energised, inspired, and constantly reminded of the importance of play, creativity, and imagination in our lives.”

What is your main field of study?

“CareChamp College Early Childhood Development Practitioner (NQF4) - Graduation: 2025.”