
Date Of Birth: June 21, 1994

City: Erasmuskloof, Pretoria

Languages: English, Zulu and Shona

Hobbies: Watching sport and Reading

What makes you a good caregiver?

“I believe what makes me a good caregiver is the ability to fully understand the needs of my clients/patients to ensure high quality care, person centered support and maintaining patient’s safety. ”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a caregiver?
I am most experienced in dementia care, frail care, disability care ,pressure care and catheter care.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“The nature of my work allows me to develop a much closer bond with my clients than I would in most situations. Seniors are always fun to be around. ”

What was the best day at work you’ve ever had and what made it so good?

”Everyday is a good day at work as I get to help patients who need my assistance and ensure it’s always fun when I’m around.”