
Date Of Birth: February 19, 1997

City: Protea Glen, Johannesburg

Languages: English

Hobbies: Dancing and Reading

What makes you a good caregiver?

“I am a very patient person who is able to communicate well with patients and very loving. ”

In what skills area do you feel most qualified to be a caregiver?
I am most experienced in general frail care, dementia care, disability care , post-operative care, disability care , palliative care ,pressure care and catheter care.”

What makes you most excited about working with seniors?

“Bonding with them, exchanging stories and also being of great help to them when they need me. ”

What was the best day at work you’ve ever had and what made it so good?

”I once spent Christmas day at work and we exchanged gifts with the clients and spent great time chatting about what the day means to them.”